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Pool Lighting


Service Overview

Enhance Your Poolside Haven with Gorgeous Lighting

With your property’s safety in consideration, Wired Electrical Services can design stunning pool lighting that will completely change the mood of your backyard. We may add multicolored logic LED fixtures to your backyard pool in addition to replacing the existing lighting. We can change the appearance of your pool with a variety of colors. Your pool may become the talk of the neighborhood with our lighting services. For owners of homes and businesses, we can create magnificent lighting. No matter where your pool is, we’ll make sure it stands out.

An electrician with the necessary licenses handles all of our lighting installation services. We take all the required safety measures to guarantee that no one utilizing your pool or spa is in danger. There’s always a danger that anything could go wrong, and people could get hurt when electricity and water are combined. We make sure to employ secure grounding methods and the appropriate GFCI protection. Alternatively, we can replace your wire unit as a whole rather than making risky splices.

Since pools and spas are expensive on their own, our energy-efficient LED pool light systems will benefit your long-term finances. Because you can leave them on without worrying about incurring additional energy costs, they are convenient to use. Bid farewell to frequently needing to repair pool lights! For long-lasting LED lighting that will completely change the appearance of your pool area, contact Wired Electrical Services.

Why Illuminating an Outdoor Pool Is Impressive

Increased Security

Pool decks, stairs, and walkways should all have lighting to promote safe passage and avert accidents, particularly after dark.

Extended Pleasure

By strategically placing pool lights, you can enjoy poolside activities well into the evening. This creates a wonderful ambiance for nocturnal swims and meetings.

Appeal to the Senses

With bold hues, delicate accents, and striking effects that draw attention to your pool’s features and landscape, you can turn your pool area into a mesmerizing sanctuary.

Enhancement of Mood

Create the ideal atmosphere for romance, entertainment, or relaxation with lighting sceneries that you can customize to your tastes and moods.

Efficiency in Energy Use

LED pool lighting uses less energy, which lowers your environmental impact, saves you money on utility costs, and produces amazing visual effects.

Use color lights to make your pool the talk of the party when your visitors are over!

There are numerous alternatives available when it comes to changing or repairing your pool light. Selecting the ideal solution for your pool doesn’t have to be difficult or confusing, thanks to ACE Pool Repair & Replaster! To meet your needs, we install a wide variety of lighting. We are pleased to create a quote specifically for your pool’s requirements and deliver the greatest product! Look no further if you’re searching for the greatest equipment with a skilled installation!

Pool lights are available in three varieties:

  • Incandescent
  • LED white
  • LED color shifting

We can assist you with any style you are searching for! Would you like a free quote from us?  

Popular Question

Every renovation project requires a lot of expenses. They include such bulks as materials and labor. Materials, in turns, include tile, mortar, grout, rough plumbing materials, paint and many other. If you need to make a calculation of your future renovation project, please give us a call or email us, and our manager will help you with this issue.
Depending on dimensions of the space and amount of work, it takes from a week to a 2-3 month to complete the renovation project.
The total budget may vary as sizes of rooms are very different. For example, approximate budget for a basic bathroom renovation is from $3500 to $5000. If you need detailed calculation of materials and work, please contact our Customer Service Department.
Renovation project can be initiated by the clients. If you need to reconstruct your old house, a room or a basement, you need to appeal to us, approve the project and budget and we’ll start working.

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