Electrical Services
Electrical Services
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Electrical Services

Electrical Services

electrical work dubai

Service Overview

Are you aware of the dangers in places where electrical work is not done correctly? It requires absolute accuracy, or you may end up with huge electricity bills or even short circuits that cause property and life loss. The Trust Star ranks among the best electrical companies in Dubai as they have proven expertise in solving all issues, from socket replacement, socket fixing, and LED light Installation to circuit breaker replacement and new DB design and Installation.

The Trust Star provides electrical services.

  • Electrical installation repairs
  • Repairs of lights and lamps
  • Installation of electrical appliances
  • Fixing sockets and switches
  • New DB design and Installation
  • Installation of LED lights

Why hire Trust Star for electrical work?

  • Complete set of electrical works provided by our trusted and experienced electricians.
  • Implement an energy-efficient electrical system to optimize energy use as well as reduce utility bills
  • Helps maintain the power system to prevent fires and other hazards
  • Follow the maximum safety process so that you don’t have to interfere with the electrical system, and our skilled electricians will handle everything themselves
  • Offering high-quality services at competitive prices.

Popular Question

Every renovation project requires a lot of expenses. They include such bulks as materials and labor. Materials, in turns, include tile, mortar, grout, rough plumbing materials, paint and many other. If you need to make a calculation of your future renovation project, please give us a call or email us, and our manager will help you with this issue.
Depending on dimensions of the space and amount of work, it takes from a week to a 2-3 month to complete the renovation project.
The total budget may vary as sizes of rooms are very different. For example, approximate budget for a basic bathroom renovation is from $3500 to $5000. If you need detailed calculation of materials and work, please contact our Customer Service Department.
Renovation project can be initiated by the clients. If you need to reconstruct your old house, a room or a basement, you need to appeal to us, approve the project and budget and we’ll start working.

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